HUD’s Side Jobs


As you guys have already seen  in one of my previous posts, I explained in depth about HUD’s ulterior motive that lies behind the bureaucracy and technicalities of the whole Section 8 system and process. (See blog post “Idealism and Section8 – it Works!”) In that post, I revealed that the directive is mainly idealistic and pointed towards progress. But, that wasn’t the whole story!

HUD, (The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development) has its side jobs too!

Sticking to the objective of trying to save the world through the development of affordable housing, HUD has subsidiaries with a similar aim, but on the educational level.

The goal is to integrate computer technology into the lives of assisted tenants and their children. It is now well-known that mostly everything is done on the computer and online. Most correspondence is performed through email, and almost every prospective employer requires of their employees full knowledge of various and complex computer applications. That’s where Neighborhood Networks comes in.

1995 – Around that time is when we can safely say that the internet started booming. And that is when the future of technological advances could be seen far off- especially in the eyes of the HUD/Section 8 visionaries. It was in this year that HUD developed Neighborhood Networks.

HUD is proud to claim Neighborhood Networks as one of the first federally funded initiatives dedicated towards the prospect of the self sufficiency of housing assistance recipients. The program’s main goals are to: “Improve computer access, advance literacy, prepare residents to take advantage of employment opportunities and to provide access to healthcare information and other social services.” The program even offers after-school programs for children and career counseling for adults!

More than a decade later, this widely successful program can be found in Housing Authorities and in other privately and publicly funded locations all over the country!

If you readers were not privy of this information beforehand, I will refer you to the website where you can read up on new developments, and find a location near you!

Click here for all the info you need:

End note to Landlords: By sharing this information, it is my hope that I will transfer some of my feelings of social responsibility and maybe you will share this information to your future section8 tenants! What do you have to lose?



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